Our Mission for Our Ministries is…

The same mission and ministry Jesus gave His followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We value what Jesus values – we not only want to Reach the lost, but we also seek to reach the unchurched, to reach those who are hurting, to reach out and engage groups that can often be ignored.

Our mission is five-fold; it involves:

Reaching: Reaching out to people, being Ambassadors for Christ (Matthew 28:19-20. II Corinthians 5:20) – reaching out to the lost, reaching out to the unchurched, reaching out to those that are hurting.

Revealing: Revealing Christ through preaching, Revealing Christ through discipleship. (Matthew 28:19 & 20, Romans 8:29) Revealing Christ through our actions and service to community (Support groups). (I Thessalonians 1:2-3, 9)

Relating: Relating to people both lost and saved. Relating to others through building relationships, relating to others through sharing and bearing one another’s burdens. Relating to God and others through church involvement and support (Hebrews 10:24 & 25)

Restoring: Restoring people back to fellowship with God. Restoring through ministering to needs, restoring through biblical counseling and teaching, restoring through demonstrating the love of Jesus. (II Corinthians 5:17 – 20, Psalm 51:12)

Renewing: continually renew through Christian fellowship and love for one another, renew a sense of belonging and family, renew through teaching the bible and bible doctrine. (Psalm 51:10)

Getting to “Know” You

Getting to “Know” You

The communication between two people makes “KNOW”ing them meaningful. When you start a relationship with someone, you usually want to get to “KNOW” that person. “KNOW”ing someone takes time, takes EFFORT!! Just because someone tells you information about someone does not mean you “KNOW” him, you “KNOW” about him. To get to “KNOW” that person will take time and effort on your part.

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

The Christian life is not simply being saved from something we are also saved to something – we are saved to an abundant life in Jesus – the Good Shepherd. We are not just protected from the distraction of sin. We are given the joy of walking with Jesus. Now Jesus does not promise us a troubled free life. What He does promise though, is joy that is bigger and lasts longer than our troubles.

Our Mission and Vision

Guiding You Towards a Brighter Future

At New Beginning Baptist Church of Palm Coast, FL, our mission is to foster a welcoming environment where individuals can grow in their faith, find support in times of need, and engage in meaningful worship. We envision a community united by love, dedicated to serving others, and committed to spreading the message of hope and renewal.